Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am feeling very fragile at the moment. In the past few weeks, I have let my guard down and let myself see the silver lining. Now, I'm not so sure that was a good idea. I will fight the urge to retreat back within myself. I was beginning to see the spark of true change in my life. I can't let that die! I don't know..... just very very fragile.

Maybe every optimist is just a closet pessimist...

Spring Cleaning

I have been absent from the cyber realm for a couple of weeks because I got the urge to revamp most of my home. I didn't have much time to spare for this project during Mame, so I have been devoting just about all of my free time to it. This is my kitchen (still a work in progress). My wonderful hubby did most of the work in here. I'm pretty pumped about how it turned out. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hope is a funny thing. It can be elusive. It can also be sorely missed even in a happy life. Sometimes in some situations, it can seem as ludicrous as a stone elephant playing joyfully in a fountain. For me, it sometimes feels extremely fragile, like a newborn baby bird precariously perched in a nest. But at the same time, it keeps us going. Today, I got a huge burst of hope that I will see the end of a very difficult situation soon. It looks very promising. :) Now comes the waiting part......limbo sucks. :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

All Geeked Up and Rarin' To Go!

At 27 years old, my wonderful husband has decided to take up rollerblading for the first time. Some of you may think he's a geek. But that's why I love him! My only regret in this endeavor is that my feet are too bad to go out there with him. I'm proud of him for taking iniative in finding a way to exercise that he knows he can stick with. :)

7th Grade is Not Rocket Science....Or Is It?

This week at the middle school where I work it was "Rocket Week." All of the 7th grade Science classes got the chance to build rockets. Then they launched them on the front lawn. Since my student was checked out early one day, I had the opportunity to watch the daughter of a co-worker launch her rocket. I had so much fun watching flight teams Alpha through Foxtrot! Some of the rockets were total sucesses with parachutes deploying and landings right in the middle of the lawn. Others didn't have parachute deployment or landed in trees. Two of the rockets actually completely separated from their parachutes and shot toward the ground while the parachutes floated gracefully on to the roof of the school.