Thursday, July 17, 2008


Sara Groves has always been one of my favorite singers mostly because she is an amazing lyricist. She always seems to have a song that speaks to me right where I am and often it is exactly what I needed to hear. I came across this one when I was updating my profile on myspace. If you want to hear it you can check it out here...
It left me in tears because it was exactly what I needed.

It Might Be Hope
by, Sara Groves

You do your work the best that you can
you put one foot in front of the other
life comes in waves and makes its demands
you hold on as well as you're able

You've been here for a long long time

Hope has a way of turning its face to you
just when you least expect it
you walk in a room
you look out a window
and something there leaves you breathless
you say to yourself
it's been a while since I felt this
but it feels like it might be hope

It's hard to recall what blew out the flame
it's been dark since you can remember
you talk it all through to find it a name
as days go on by without number

You've been here for a long long time

Hope has a way of turning its face to you
just when you least expect it
you walk in a room
you look out a window
and something there leaves you breathless
you say to yourself
it's been a while since I felt this
but it feels like it might be hope

Monday, July 14, 2008

Island Paradise

I have been spending most of my time these past few days helping a dear friend of mine re-do her 8 year old daughter's bedroom in a fun, beachy theme. It's been a lot of work, but fun! These are just a few shots from the room. More will be coming after furniture is moved in. I can't wait to hear what the "princess" will say when she gets home!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

the best and most beautiful world...

If I had to pick my favorite word in the English language, this would probably be it. No matter who you are, how old you are, or what you are going through, imagination is always your most powerful tool. We can imagine ourselves as better people and then achieve it. We can transport ourselves out of horrible situations. We can use it to give ourselves that five minute's peace we've been craving. A world without imagination would be like a world without color.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

God, what's an ark?

At this exact moment in time I am truly wondering what on earth God has up His sleeve because I have no idea. I feel like the answers are just on the other side of something. Like this wall....but the window's locked. Anything could be on the other side....I'm not sure if I want to know what it is either. I'm just muddled!!

"God told Noah, 'Build me an ark!'
Noah said, 'Great God! OK...... What's an ark?"