Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Prettiest Girl In The Second Grade

Last night, I went to a Beauty and Beau pageant. My friend's daughter was in it and she was so pretty! The judges were blind! I think she was the prettiest girl in the second grade!!

My New Baby!!

Yep.... That's right!!! I have a NEW CAR!!!
Her name is Lucy and she is a 2008 Scion xD. I really enjoy driving this car!
So many things are happening so fast for me right now! I'm just ready to sit back and enjoy the ride!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Off The Cuff

I've started an "official" blog for my photography! Check it out at or just click on the link at the side of this blog. I'm still going to update this blog. This is where I'll post about me and my life... the other is just pictures! :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bench In The Sun

I took a couple of pictures the other night at Black Rose Theatre's current production of "A Bench in the Sun". I really enjoyed the show! If you are in this area, it is definitely worth your time (and gas) to come out and see this show! Plus, Black Rose is now an official drop off location for Toys for Tots! So... come to the show, bring a toy, and get $2 off 1 ticket for each toy that you bring!

Trying My Wings

Today, I had the opportunity to do my very first portrait session. A friend of mine wanted me to take some head shots for her. These are some of my most favorite shots that we got today. Opinions are most definitely welcome. (as long as they're positive, of course!) :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dancing For Joy

I am on top of the world right now! I know I will have to come down eventually, but it's worth it. It is so wonderful to finally have some concrete answers on where my life will be going in the next few months! I can't wait to start this new adventure. :)

***Side Note***
This picture is of a theatre friend of mine at her Gypsy themed birthday party. It really illustrates exactly what I'm feeling! :)

The Blushing Bride

The reason for my recent trip to Chattanooga is this absolutely gorgeous bride! My best friend got married on October 19 and I am so very thankful that I was able to spend the week before her wedding with her. I hate that we live so far apart now. I am also very happy for her and her husband. A love like theirs is truly rare and precious! Congrats you two!! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quiet Time

While I was in Chattanooga, I had the chance to take some time just for myself. So...of course, I spent it in the Butterfly Room! These are some of the shots that came from that day!

Monday, November 3, 2008

More Pics Tomorrow

I just finished working out with Lori and I am ready to crawl into my comfy bed. So... tonight's post will only be this: Goodnight!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Fountain that Finally Cooperated!

So I was told tonight by a dear friend that it had been way too long since I updated my blog. And she was absolutely right! It's not that there hasn't been anything going on, just that there has been too much! So I will start with this.....

Back in March I blogged about a fountain in Chattanooga that I wanted to photograph but was never on when I came to visit. Well, when I went to Chattie for my best friend's wedding, the fountain finally cooperated! These are just a couple of shots I got from that day. :)

There will be many more posts to come in the next few days as I have tons of pictures to get up here. :) See ya soon!!