Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am actually updating my blog (don't faint, Lori)! Between my new job, photography, trying to get in shape, and theatre the past five months have just flown by!!

Really quick recap? I changed jobs in december and I absolutely love where I'm working. It's a huge change for me, but I am enjoying the challenge. It also keeps me very busy. Through work I travel all over this state! I am usually travelling at least once a week if not more.

I am also in the chorus for Oliver! at BRT right now. The rehearsal schedule has gotten more intense now because we open in a couple of weeks. I'm really enjoying this show if you are in this area you MUST come see it!! (Although both people that read this will probably be there anyway.) :-p
My photography is starting to pick up. I have done one wedding, and have another lined up. I have a few portrait sessions coming up soon. I'll also hopefully be getting a better camera in the very near future. And maybe even a website! For now, check out the photography blog @ www.daniboffthecuff.blogspot.com to see my latest work.
Now that I’ve caught you up on the last five months…

This past weekend, J and I went to Montgomery, AL to visit his brother and his family. It was so wonderful to see my nieces! I had not seen them for almost 2 years. Needless to say, they’re huge now!! It was neat to be able to see them and see how much their little personalities have grown!

We had so much fun. Saturday was breakfast at McDonald’s then Easter egg hunts at the house. After the girls found all their eggs, they decided that it was their turn to hide them and let the grown-ups hunt.
After that the girls dyed eggs with their mom while I took oodles of pictures like any good aunt should!

There was drama while the eggs were drying when Zoe, the dog, ate 4 hard-boiled eggs from the patio table: shells, dye, stickers, and all!

It was a fun-packed day, especially when J and his brother decided to by huge Nerf dart guns at Wal-Mart and pelt each other (and everyone else)!!

Sunday, the girls went to church with their nanny. Then we had Easter lunch and went to see J’s dad at his apartment before heading back home. It was a really great trip!

Well, I hope that entry is long enough to hold y’all over till the next time I can write! (It may be awhile!!)