Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Prettiest Girl In The Second Grade

Last night, I went to a Beauty and Beau pageant. My friend's daughter was in it and she was so pretty! The judges were blind! I think she was the prettiest girl in the second grade!!

My New Baby!!

Yep.... That's right!!! I have a NEW CAR!!!
Her name is Lucy and she is a 2008 Scion xD. I really enjoy driving this car!
So many things are happening so fast for me right now! I'm just ready to sit back and enjoy the ride!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Off The Cuff

I've started an "official" blog for my photography! Check it out at or just click on the link at the side of this blog. I'm still going to update this blog. This is where I'll post about me and my life... the other is just pictures! :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bench In The Sun

I took a couple of pictures the other night at Black Rose Theatre's current production of "A Bench in the Sun". I really enjoyed the show! If you are in this area, it is definitely worth your time (and gas) to come out and see this show! Plus, Black Rose is now an official drop off location for Toys for Tots! So... come to the show, bring a toy, and get $2 off 1 ticket for each toy that you bring!

Trying My Wings

Today, I had the opportunity to do my very first portrait session. A friend of mine wanted me to take some head shots for her. These are some of my most favorite shots that we got today. Opinions are most definitely welcome. (as long as they're positive, of course!) :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dancing For Joy

I am on top of the world right now! I know I will have to come down eventually, but it's worth it. It is so wonderful to finally have some concrete answers on where my life will be going in the next few months! I can't wait to start this new adventure. :)

***Side Note***
This picture is of a theatre friend of mine at her Gypsy themed birthday party. It really illustrates exactly what I'm feeling! :)

The Blushing Bride

The reason for my recent trip to Chattanooga is this absolutely gorgeous bride! My best friend got married on October 19 and I am so very thankful that I was able to spend the week before her wedding with her. I hate that we live so far apart now. I am also very happy for her and her husband. A love like theirs is truly rare and precious! Congrats you two!! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quiet Time

While I was in Chattanooga, I had the chance to take some time just for myself. So...of course, I spent it in the Butterfly Room! These are some of the shots that came from that day!

Monday, November 3, 2008

More Pics Tomorrow

I just finished working out with Lori and I am ready to crawl into my comfy bed. So... tonight's post will only be this: Goodnight!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Fountain that Finally Cooperated!

So I was told tonight by a dear friend that it had been way too long since I updated my blog. And she was absolutely right! It's not that there hasn't been anything going on, just that there has been too much! So I will start with this.....

Back in March I blogged about a fountain in Chattanooga that I wanted to photograph but was never on when I came to visit. Well, when I went to Chattie for my best friend's wedding, the fountain finally cooperated! These are just a couple of shots I got from that day. :)

There will be many more posts to come in the next few days as I have tons of pictures to get up here. :) See ya soon!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Sara Groves has always been one of my favorite singers mostly because she is an amazing lyricist. She always seems to have a song that speaks to me right where I am and often it is exactly what I needed to hear. I came across this one when I was updating my profile on myspace. If you want to hear it you can check it out here...
It left me in tears because it was exactly what I needed.

It Might Be Hope
by, Sara Groves

You do your work the best that you can
you put one foot in front of the other
life comes in waves and makes its demands
you hold on as well as you're able

You've been here for a long long time

Hope has a way of turning its face to you
just when you least expect it
you walk in a room
you look out a window
and something there leaves you breathless
you say to yourself
it's been a while since I felt this
but it feels like it might be hope

It's hard to recall what blew out the flame
it's been dark since you can remember
you talk it all through to find it a name
as days go on by without number

You've been here for a long long time

Hope has a way of turning its face to you
just when you least expect it
you walk in a room
you look out a window
and something there leaves you breathless
you say to yourself
it's been a while since I felt this
but it feels like it might be hope

Monday, July 14, 2008

Island Paradise

I have been spending most of my time these past few days helping a dear friend of mine re-do her 8 year old daughter's bedroom in a fun, beachy theme. It's been a lot of work, but fun! These are just a few shots from the room. More will be coming after furniture is moved in. I can't wait to hear what the "princess" will say when she gets home!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

the best and most beautiful world...

If I had to pick my favorite word in the English language, this would probably be it. No matter who you are, how old you are, or what you are going through, imagination is always your most powerful tool. We can imagine ourselves as better people and then achieve it. We can transport ourselves out of horrible situations. We can use it to give ourselves that five minute's peace we've been craving. A world without imagination would be like a world without color.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

God, what's an ark?

At this exact moment in time I am truly wondering what on earth God has up His sleeve because I have no idea. I feel like the answers are just on the other side of something. Like this wall....but the window's locked. Anything could be on the other side....I'm not sure if I want to know what it is either. I'm just muddled!!

"God told Noah, 'Build me an ark!'
Noah said, 'Great God! OK...... What's an ark?"

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I'm still going in circles in my head about what is going to happen next in my life. I know I'm tired of being stuck. I'm tired of nothing ever changing and feeling like the sameness is a weight I put on everyday. That much of my life will change. Just redoing parts of my house has seen to that, but a little bit of the hope that I had before seems to be slowly slipping away. I just need peace.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am feeling very fragile at the moment. In the past few weeks, I have let my guard down and let myself see the silver lining. Now, I'm not so sure that was a good idea. I will fight the urge to retreat back within myself. I was beginning to see the spark of true change in my life. I can't let that die! I don't know..... just very very fragile.

Maybe every optimist is just a closet pessimist...

Spring Cleaning

I have been absent from the cyber realm for a couple of weeks because I got the urge to revamp most of my home. I didn't have much time to spare for this project during Mame, so I have been devoting just about all of my free time to it. This is my kitchen (still a work in progress). My wonderful hubby did most of the work in here. I'm pretty pumped about how it turned out. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hope is a funny thing. It can be elusive. It can also be sorely missed even in a happy life. Sometimes in some situations, it can seem as ludicrous as a stone elephant playing joyfully in a fountain. For me, it sometimes feels extremely fragile, like a newborn baby bird precariously perched in a nest. But at the same time, it keeps us going. Today, I got a huge burst of hope that I will see the end of a very difficult situation soon. It looks very promising. :) Now comes the waiting part......limbo sucks. :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

All Geeked Up and Rarin' To Go!

At 27 years old, my wonderful husband has decided to take up rollerblading for the first time. Some of you may think he's a geek. But that's why I love him! My only regret in this endeavor is that my feet are too bad to go out there with him. I'm proud of him for taking iniative in finding a way to exercise that he knows he can stick with. :)

7th Grade is Not Rocket Science....Or Is It?

This week at the middle school where I work it was "Rocket Week." All of the 7th grade Science classes got the chance to build rockets. Then they launched them on the front lawn. Since my student was checked out early one day, I had the opportunity to watch the daughter of a co-worker launch her rocket. I had so much fun watching flight teams Alpha through Foxtrot! Some of the rockets were total sucesses with parachutes deploying and landings right in the middle of the lawn. Others didn't have parachute deployment or landed in trees. Two of the rockets actually completely separated from their parachutes and shot toward the ground while the parachutes floated gracefully on to the roof of the school.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

accidental orchid

“When two friends understand each other totally, the words are soft and strong like an orchid's perfume”~unknown

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fountain Uncooperative :)

Unfortunately, the fountain I wanted to get a few shots of was still not on. Hopefully, I'll be able to get there some time in the middle of summer. Surely, they'll have it on if it's 80 degrees outside. Anyway, these two shots were ones that did come out of this trip. These are light fixtures in a neat little mod cafe called The Blue Plate. It's one of my favorite places to eat in Chattie. They have some cheese grits that are just awesome!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Won't You Choo Choo Me Home

It was a whirlwind of a trip, but it was really really nice to get away for a few days. My house isn't as clean as I hoped it would be. However, I was seriously needing some "mommy time" my surprise trip was incredible! Chattanooga is a really fun town, my family has lived there for 22 years. Some days, I really miss it. At the same time, I'm really beginning to view Jackson as home. :) This shot was taken on the grounds of the Tennessee Aquarium. It has some special significance to me as well. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Alaskan Musings

One of the great things about working in education is that I get the same breaks that the kids do. It really helps because the burnout rate is really high, especially in special ed. So, every year about this time, I get a week off. Most of the time, I go home to Chattanooga for a couple of days, but last year I saved up and took a trip to see my heart sister (not blood, but she might as well be) :) in Juneau, Alaska. It was an incredible trip and I got to see more snow than I could have imagined possible. Juneau was a sleepy, safe, little town. I had no qualms about walking around downtown by myself, no matter what time it was. These shots are from that trip. The top left is a church that I thought was beautiful. The top right is a shot of Mt. Juneau taken from where I was staying on Douglas Island. The large picture in the center is of downtown Juneau taken from the Library. The bottom shot is of the Mendenhall Glacier. I really enjoyed my trip there and I hope to return soon especially since I need to visit my little nephew when he gets here. :) Today, I was just missing my gal and thought I would share a little of the beautiful place in which she lives.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Well, Mame is over. It's kind of a bittersweet thing for me. It was a fantastic show, better than I could have imagined. I'm not surprised because we had such a talented cast. I'm very thankful for the hard work that everyone put in. I am really glad that I co-directed this show. I learned alot about myself and also some important lessons that will help me very soon, I think. I also got to know some amazing people. So, yeah.... I hope to direct again soon, but I need a break first. :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sweet Chattavegas

My apologies for not being a more active blogger in the past few days, but I am now out of my post-show reclusiveness. In fact, I am on vacation! YAY! My wonderful husband surprised me Tuesday night by saying that we were leaving the next day for Chattanooga, and we did. We pulled in here last night around midnight and I'm so excited I get to spend some time with my mom and my best friend who is here. So the picture today is in honor of this trip. I actually took it some time ago, but I still think it's cool. This is a shot of the Walnut Street walking bridge from an angle underneath the Market Street bridge in Chattie. The pillars in the shot are actually parts of a fountain that was turned off because it was freezing when this pic was taken. I hope to get a similar shot except with the fountain on during this trip. I hope!! :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Missing Mommy


Feathered sunshine

Nodding gently

In a lazy summer breeze

Blinking brown eyed

At a toddler

Smiling back

Extremely pleased

by, Dixie Gray