Saturday, March 22, 2008

Alaskan Musings

One of the great things about working in education is that I get the same breaks that the kids do. It really helps because the burnout rate is really high, especially in special ed. So, every year about this time, I get a week off. Most of the time, I go home to Chattanooga for a couple of days, but last year I saved up and took a trip to see my heart sister (not blood, but she might as well be) :) in Juneau, Alaska. It was an incredible trip and I got to see more snow than I could have imagined possible. Juneau was a sleepy, safe, little town. I had no qualms about walking around downtown by myself, no matter what time it was. These shots are from that trip. The top left is a church that I thought was beautiful. The top right is a shot of Mt. Juneau taken from where I was staying on Douglas Island. The large picture in the center is of downtown Juneau taken from the Library. The bottom shot is of the Mendenhall Glacier. I really enjoyed my trip there and I hope to return soon especially since I need to visit my little nephew when he gets here. :) Today, I was just missing my gal and thought I would share a little of the beautiful place in which she lives.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Alaska is such a beautiful place. It is always good to have heart-family, I know I have a bunch!!!