Wednesday, March 26, 2008

accidental orchid

“When two friends understand each other totally, the words are soft and strong like an orchid's perfume”~unknown

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fountain Uncooperative :)

Unfortunately, the fountain I wanted to get a few shots of was still not on. Hopefully, I'll be able to get there some time in the middle of summer. Surely, they'll have it on if it's 80 degrees outside. Anyway, these two shots were ones that did come out of this trip. These are light fixtures in a neat little mod cafe called The Blue Plate. It's one of my favorite places to eat in Chattie. They have some cheese grits that are just awesome!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Won't You Choo Choo Me Home

It was a whirlwind of a trip, but it was really really nice to get away for a few days. My house isn't as clean as I hoped it would be. However, I was seriously needing some "mommy time" my surprise trip was incredible! Chattanooga is a really fun town, my family has lived there for 22 years. Some days, I really miss it. At the same time, I'm really beginning to view Jackson as home. :) This shot was taken on the grounds of the Tennessee Aquarium. It has some special significance to me as well. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Alaskan Musings

One of the great things about working in education is that I get the same breaks that the kids do. It really helps because the burnout rate is really high, especially in special ed. So, every year about this time, I get a week off. Most of the time, I go home to Chattanooga for a couple of days, but last year I saved up and took a trip to see my heart sister (not blood, but she might as well be) :) in Juneau, Alaska. It was an incredible trip and I got to see more snow than I could have imagined possible. Juneau was a sleepy, safe, little town. I had no qualms about walking around downtown by myself, no matter what time it was. These shots are from that trip. The top left is a church that I thought was beautiful. The top right is a shot of Mt. Juneau taken from where I was staying on Douglas Island. The large picture in the center is of downtown Juneau taken from the Library. The bottom shot is of the Mendenhall Glacier. I really enjoyed my trip there and I hope to return soon especially since I need to visit my little nephew when he gets here. :) Today, I was just missing my gal and thought I would share a little of the beautiful place in which she lives.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Well, Mame is over. It's kind of a bittersweet thing for me. It was a fantastic show, better than I could have imagined. I'm not surprised because we had such a talented cast. I'm very thankful for the hard work that everyone put in. I am really glad that I co-directed this show. I learned alot about myself and also some important lessons that will help me very soon, I think. I also got to know some amazing people. So, yeah.... I hope to direct again soon, but I need a break first. :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sweet Chattavegas

My apologies for not being a more active blogger in the past few days, but I am now out of my post-show reclusiveness. In fact, I am on vacation! YAY! My wonderful husband surprised me Tuesday night by saying that we were leaving the next day for Chattanooga, and we did. We pulled in here last night around midnight and I'm so excited I get to spend some time with my mom and my best friend who is here. So the picture today is in honor of this trip. I actually took it some time ago, but I still think it's cool. This is a shot of the Walnut Street walking bridge from an angle underneath the Market Street bridge in Chattie. The pillars in the shot are actually parts of a fountain that was turned off because it was freezing when this pic was taken. I hope to get a similar shot except with the fountain on during this trip. I hope!! :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Missing Mommy


Feathered sunshine

Nodding gently

In a lazy summer breeze

Blinking brown eyed

At a toddler

Smiling back

Extremely pleased

by, Dixie Gray

Monday, March 10, 2008


I love this shot because it is just so peaceful. With my life being as busy as it is right now, looking this shot just gives me a moment's rest. :)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Live Hard, Laugh Hard, Love Hard

I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. It's a character flaw that has got me into some trouble in the past. I attack life with a passion and in the process I tend to get hurt, alot. It's not that I'm weak. I used to think hiding my emotions (I was never very good at it) would make me stronger. I'm not so sure that's true. The main problem with how I do things is that I'm an open book. People can see that heart on my sleeve and can read my feelings all over my face. Sometimes, I think it's ok if I get hurt just as long as I have given everything I have.

Friday, March 7, 2008

"Whatever Happened To Class"

I have always thought it was important to handle difficult situations with class. I'm not always successful at it, but I do try. :) If I don't take the bait and loose my cool when dealing with something tough, then I can maintain some semblance of control. One of the best examples of class that I know is this 16 year old poodle. She is the life-long companion of an 87 year old man and she is always dressed to the nine's. She always has a bow in her hair, a fancy collar on, and a corsage. And she alway always has her nails painted. She even posed for this picture! :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

"We Think You're Just Sensational"

Co-directing my first "large-cast" musical has definitely been a journey! It's had it's ups and downs and illnesses, but there is something that happens when the lights go up and there is an audience waiting. Last night's performance was phenomanal! I am truly impressed with the talent of this cast. I also am extremely grateful to my co-director. I couldn't have done it without him! And that is the "whole stinkin truth!" :) BREAK A LEG, EVERYONE!!
If you want to come and see Mame, the performance dates are:
March 6-8 7:30 pm
March 9 2:oo pm
March 13-15 7:30pm
March 16 2:00pm

Monday, March 3, 2008


One of the things I have been most thankful for lately (other than my wonderful husband) is BRT and the friends that I have been able to make there. It is fantastic to spend all (and I do mean all) :-D my free time doing something I love with people who love doing it too. I have come to love them all like family.