Friday, February 29, 2008

Yes, I am one of those pathetic pet parents that spoils their dog absolutely rotten, but I don't mind. :) Neither does she! Eleanor Lucille (Ellie) is my furry child. She is a miniature dachshund who will steal your heart as soon as look at you. She is not the best guard dog, (she'd let anybody in the house as long as they would rub her belly), but she's great at getting strange cats out of the yard. She's also the smallest bed-hog I have ever seen! I haven't been separated from her much since we got her as a puppy 3 years ago. Usually when we go on trips, Ellie comes with us. She loves to travel! This time I'm leaving her with a friend that I trust while we travel to a wedding. I know she'll be fine, but I just don't like leaving her behind. Good grief! :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Gramma's Altar

This shot has always reminded me of my Gramma. This isn't her house and it wasn't taken anywhere near where she lived. But somehow, I feel like if she was still alive she would be in that rocking chair sewing or reading or gossiping. Those were things she loved to do. She also loved the Lord. I think she always worshiped Him best from her rocking chair. :) Here's to you, MaGerri, you are missed.

Monday, February 25, 2008

hee hee

Nothing profound here, just an 80's rock group.

My Cinderella Life

For those of you who know me, it may not be surprising that most of this blog and who I am, are wrapped up in a quote by Helen Keller. But she really nailed how I feel about life. This life really is strange and beautiful and sometimes both at once. My past isn't all glitter and shine, believe me I've had days where I thought that it would always be dark and I would always be alone. Now that I have someone to pull me out of those dark days, I truly understand why we have to go through the "mice and cinders". Without them I wouldn't be me. :)

Sunday, February 24, 2008


In my line of work, I have discovered just how important hands are. They are tools for us. We can use our hands to eat or paint or write or draw. To build or destroy or to protect and in many other ways. Maybe most importantly, I've learned how hands can be used to communicate. We don't even notice it sometimes, but our hands and the way we use them to touch can convey many subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) messages. I'm not just referring to using hands to communicate with sign language or gestures, although I used that method often myself. Sometimes just how we touch can say many things. Tense fingers can say, "I'm stressed" or "I'm nervous". A tentative touch can say, "I'm uncomfortable". I warm, gentle touch can say, "I'm pleased with you." This is especially important to children (and adults) who have to rely on touch as their only means of incoming information such as those who are deafblind.


I've always been a person who loves symbols. The fact that there are meanings behind words, or colors, or pictures that other people might not realize has always been fascinating to me. I choose my favorite things often based on what those things mean to me. For example, purple. If you know me, you know I LOVE purple. It is the color of royalty. It is also the color of passion and it symbolizes the extremes of life. I feel like my life is a study in extremes. There is very little middle ground. I love that about me. I'm also obsessed with butterflies. The fact that a small insignificant, worm-like creature can transform itself into something so beautiful and so free gives me hope and peace. Very often I find myself in situations where the "mice and cinders" of my life threaten to take over, having people and "symbols" that ground me guide me to the "glitter and crystal shoes" in this world. This may make me naive or a nut, but take me or leave me, that's who I am. :)