Monday, February 25, 2008

My Cinderella Life

For those of you who know me, it may not be surprising that most of this blog and who I am, are wrapped up in a quote by Helen Keller. But she really nailed how I feel about life. This life really is strange and beautiful and sometimes both at once. My past isn't all glitter and shine, believe me I've had days where I thought that it would always be dark and I would always be alone. Now that I have someone to pull me out of those dark days, I truly understand why we have to go through the "mice and cinders". Without them I wouldn't be me. :)


Unknown said...

I love how the backround of this image just plays in with the statue... it is so you and Jason, as perfect a couple as possible.

Lori Wyont said...

I agree with Grant. When I saw it on your page, i imedeatly thought of you and Jason.

Dani B. said...

I love that statue for the same reasons! :) It has always reminded me of Jason. Both things in the picture are actually sitting on my mantle in my house. The background is my favorite painting that my great-grandmother, Olga did.