I've always been a person who loves symbols. The fact that there are meanings behind words, or colors, or pictures that other people might not realize has always been fascinating to me. I choose my favorite things often based on what those things mean to me. For example, purple. If you know me, you know I LOVE purple. It is the color of royalty. It is also the color of passion and it symbolizes the extremes of life. I feel like my life is a study in extremes. There is very little middle ground. I love that about me. I'm also obsessed with butterflies. The fact that a small insignificant, worm-like creature can transform itself into something so beautiful and so free gives me hope and peace. Very often I find myself in situations where the "mice and cinders" of my life threaten to take over, having people and "symbols" that ground me guide me to the "glitter and crystal shoes" in this world. This may make me naive or a nut, but take me or leave me, that's who I am. :)
Far from it! It makes you an optimist, and believe me that is what the world needs, more people to believe that you can overcome the ‘mice and cinders’ and come into a life that is amazing and beautiful….
Well, you know, "The pessimist might be right in the long run, but the optimist has a better time during the trip!"~anon.
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